To fulfill our mission and vision, and live by our diversity statement, credo, and PolyHonor, all Poly graduates possess the capacity to:

List of 7 items.

  • Think critically

    At Poly, we teach our students how to think, not what to think. Poly students are independent thinkers who gain understanding by considering and valuing multiple perspectives.
  • Create boldly

    Our “learn by doing” philosophy has been Poly’s educational approach since the school’s founding in 1907. Rooted in the belief that today’s students will become tomorrow’s scholars, innovators, artists, and activists, Poly’s ongoing commitment to intellectual curiosity and creativity prepares students to meet challenges with bold ideas.
  • Question thoughtfully

    We believe that strong solutions always begin with thoughtful questions. Inquiry-based academic coursework fosters curiosity, discovery, and collaboration to deepen our students' love of learning.
  • Collaborate empathetically

    As members of a connected and thriving community, Poly students affirm their individuality and celebrate the unique talents and gifts of others. They are compassionate individuals who share a healthy respect for the abilities and perspectives of all.
  • Lead inclusively

    We prepare Poly students to confidently lead with impact in the world. They act with kindness, empathy, and purpose to contribute in meaningful ways within their communities.
  • Practice resilience

    We encourage Poly students to take intellectual risks and view challenges as a means toward progress and self-discovery. They learn to adapt and face disappointment while developing perseverance, determination, and the capacity to problem-solve.
  • Live with integrity and joy

    As articulated in our PolyHonor, each member of our community commits to approach decisions “with integrity, kindness, and generosity both on and off campus.” Poly students learn that being honorable and contributing community members — here or anywhere— is rewarding and expected.

Who is a Poly Graduate?

During the 2022-2023 school year, Poly faculty, students, administrators, and alumni explored a fundamental question: What characteristic skills, approaches to learning, and interpersonal qualities do we develop in our students across the K-12 Poly educational experience? In short — What is a portrait of a Poly graduate?

Members of three divisional working groups reflected upon existing curriculum and programming, launched surveys to collect data, and consulted other resources to create seven aspirational learning outcomes that distinguish a Poly education. 

Our process affirmed the values and ideals that embody Poly’s commitment to academic excellence, personal responsibility, and service to others that we strive to foster in our students. Our Portrait of a Graduate serves as a living document, one that will evolve and serve as a north star in efforts to shape curriculum and further create opportunities for transformative teaching and learning.

Please check back for updates on how our Portrait of a Graduate core competencies are reflected within Poly's school community. 

Transformative Teaching at Poly

Poly's dedicated K-12 faculty inspire our students' intellectual curiosity and sense of wonder. View our video gallery to learn more about transformative teaching at Poly:

Transformative Teaching: Kindergarten

Transformative Teaching: 10th Grade

Transformative Teaching: Seventh Grade