What is PolyConnect?

PolyConnect is Polytechnic School's private, online professional community of alumni. The platform is currently open to all alumni and Poly junior and seniors who apply to participate and join after a screening. Our alumni work in hundreds of career fields, and have unique experiences and paths to success they are willing to share. PolyConnect supports alumni to communicate, learn, and give back through meaningful individual connections.

Alumni and students can utilize this platform in a number of different ways including:

  • Professional networking by making direct connections with alumni who will generously share their professional experience, knowledge and insights. The platform automatically generates natural connections through an algorithm (via key questions) and flexible, search fields
  • Discover alumni affinity groups based on professions, interests, or region
  • Access educational resources, a discussion forum, and more!


We invite parents to share a job shadow or internship opportunity to feature for students and/or alumni on the PolyConnect Job/Opportunities Board. You may also share a full-time employment opportunity at your company to be advertised within our alumni community.

Please click on the links below to submit an opening. The Alumni Office will post the position on the job board on your behalf.

Job shadow

If you would like to disscuss your opportunity in more detail, please don't hesitate to contact Katherine Vieser, director of alumni and community relations, at (626) 396-6335 or kvieser@polytechnic.org.

Thank you for opening doors and showing our alumni and students what's possible with the Poly network!


Are you an Upper School student looking for networking contacts? Email Ms. Vieser in the Alumni Office, kvieser@polytechnic.org, to get started.