Luciana P. ’25 and Akira B. ’25 Named RISE Scholars

Luciana P. ’25 and Akira B. ’25, 2023 recipients of the Olah Fellowship, were selected as RISE Scholars at the annual STEM Symposium at The Archer School for Girls. The award includes a $500 cash prize. Archer’s annual Student STEM Symposium’s mission is to empower and celebrate young women in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) in Los Angeles. 

As part of the event, Luciana and Akira submitted an application about their research and presented for 15 minutes about categorizing microplastics found at Santa Monica beach using mass spectroscopy. They also submitted a poster on their research titled “Unveiling the Polymer Puzzle: Characterization and Quantification of Nanoplastic Pollution in Marine Water from Santa Monica using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry.”

Please join me in congratulating these scholars!