Poly Research Initiative Students Publish Work in Tufts Database

Students participating in the Summer Research Program as part of the Poly Research Initiative, led by Dr. Bala Selvakumar, have published empirical work in the Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment database maintained by Tufts University.

Students used primary literature to identify an independent research question and hypothesis that they used to choose a local soil sample to perform experiments about antibiotic resistance. The data generated from these experiments were reviewed and entered into the antimicrobial resistance database maintained by Tufts University.

The World Health Organization recognizes antibiotic resistance as a top global public health threat. Goal two of the current National Action Plan recommends strengthening screening for antibiotic resistance. Students contribute to this goal by using environmental DNA extraction and PCR methodology to screen local soil samples for antibiotic resistance genes.

“Amazing work…interesting sample locations,” said Dr. Bascom-Slack, Tufts University School of Medicine, in a statement about Poly student data published on the antibiotic resistance database. “It is great to have data contributions by your team…Maybe some of the students will come to the Tufts Center for Integrated Management of Antimicrobial Resistance (CIMAR) someday. It is great to see great young minds tackle the problem of antibiotic resistance.”

Check out student testimonials about their research this summer: 
